Here is a description of our route from Florida through the Caribbean.
Route Map
Bodies of Water
- North Atlantic Ocean
- Caribbean Sea
Route Detail
- Depart Florida
- Cruise the Bahamas
- Passage south to St. Thomas, U.S.V.I.
- Cruise the U.S.V.I. and B.V.I.
- Island-hop from St. Thomas south to Grenada
- Spend hurricane season in Grenada
- Sail from Grenada to Tobago
- Cruise Trinidad & Tobago
- Cruise St. Vincent & the Grenadines
- Back to Trinidad for annual maintenance
- Sail from Trinidad west to Margarita Island
- Cruise Margarita Island, Venezuela, Las Aves, Los Roques, Bonaire, and Aruba
- Passage west from Aruba Panama
- Transit west through the Panama Canal, from Colon to Balboa
- Ready the boat at Balboa for Pacific crossing